

Music is UNIVERSAL.....
EVERYONE love music....
Music can be EVERGREEN...
Music can be TREND
Music is PASSION.

I love music,i know most people now days love music.
I love ballad,pop and pop rock,but i don't know what type of music that people out there like???
there's so many genre of music such as classic,ballad,pop,rmb,rock,metal rock,k-pop and j-pop.

The best part of music is it has no barrier like language,trends and the people.
People from east can hear music from west and vice-versa.
When the music is very nice to hear people will never judge the singer's look,race.colour and sex orientation.

The first thing that come to my mind when we talk about music is singing,because i love singing.
Singing is my passion,interest and hobby.
people always asked why do i love to sing??
As for me when I'm singing i feel free,free from stress,work,problems and such things.
Singing is like a cure,when people angry or sad the best choice is singing,they can pour out all their anger,sadness and bad feelings.

I started singing when i was form 1,at that time I've joined my school 'dikir-barat' team.
At first I've joined as the backup dancer and singer but when i was form 3,my teacher asked me to audition for the lead singer selection.
At first i was hesitate,but after i got the encouragement from my friends I went to the audition and shockingly i was selected to be the lead singer.
at that time i felt damn happy but something came to my mind,"can i take this huge responsibility"
but for my passion towards music and i took this responsibility as a challenge for myself.

This is the link for my first performance with Nadia and Nadiah at taylor's music club meeting:credit to Joanna Liaw

Started from that i realise that i love to faced audiences,i love to interact with audiences in a lot of way such as singing,acting,and public speaking.
I felt something indescribable,when people look at my eyes i became more passionate and its like i don't want to stop from perform.
I also love to sing karaoke in public, its like in an open stage where people can sing any song whether they have a good voice or not

For me,my voice is not very powerful like other singers out there,but I'm glad that i can sing well.
For people out there if you have passion in anything ,especially music,singing,compose song or compose lyric just carry on,do not listen to any negative thoughts about yourself.
If people tell you that you are not good in what you love to do,just ignore them as long as you can entertain yourself.
sometimes people interpretation about what we do is different,take the positive words as the complement and take the negative words as an encouragement.

Because you will find yourself in what u love to do.
Be different,be dare,be strong and be the best in anything you do in this world.

This is the link to my uncle's video,my uncle is a singer back in 80s and 90s:source youtube

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