
As a Malaysian we have to be proud of our own country,in Malaysia we have a lot of streets that offer interesting  EXPERIENCE.
In Kuala Lumpur there is a lot of streets that we can go,such as Petaling Streets,Chow kit,Masjid India.
Do you know what is the common thing about this 3 streets......

Its a streets...NO!

located in KL...NO! stuff!..YES!!!!!1

Whn i went there i always accompanied by my cousins,because they lived near that place.
The first time i went to Chow Kit is when i was at the Hospital KL,at that time my whole family was look after my late nanny.
During the lunch time,my cousins and  I always walk to Chow Kit,because it;s really near to the hospital.
At Chow Kit there is lot of street shop that offer numerous stuff that sold cheaply.

That is a good thing but there is also a bad thing that happened to me when i went there.
One day as i walked around Chow Kit,suddenly my hand was pull by someone and he asked me whether i want to  have sex for only RM30.
Luckily that time my cousin push that man hand and said no to him and walked away from there.
After that incident I've become more careful when i went there.

Have u ever heard about "PASAR KARAT" or rust market.
I've went there once and that is the first ans the last time.
It's located next to Petaling street or more exact it is the back street of Petaling Street.

Its open from 6am-noon,at there people trade their 'USED' thing or cheap stuff on the floor,and i don't know why a lot of people went there.When I went there the market was full with people and they looked like they really enjoyed their 'SHOPPING' moment.
Straightly after i push myself out from that place i told myself that i will never step my feet here,ever again!

Then I tried to vanished that creepy memory from my mind,i went to a better place,that is Petaling Streets@china town.Petaling Street is known as the center of shop that offer pirated clothes and accsessories.
At chinatown there are a lot of restaurants ans food stalls that sell local dish such as ikan bakar(baked-fish),laksa.curry mee and a lot more.
But here the seller is mostly Chinese .

Lastly the Masjid India Street@little India,at here you can buy cheap stuff also.
I went here normally when its about to celebrate 'hari raya' because at Masjid India we can buy a lot of stuff for 'hari raya' preparation.From,clothes,decorations,'kuih raya' and a lot more.

People also went to Masjid India to buy stuff in a big amount because they can buy here for cheap and sell back at the night market in double price.

That is what i can write about streets in Malaysia,so if anyone want to look for stuff but have a low budget you guys can go to the place i talked about...


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