Archive for May 2011



As a Malaysian we have to be proud of our own country,in Malaysia we have a lot of streets that offer interesting  EXPERIENCE.
In Kuala Lumpur there is a lot of streets that we can go,such as Petaling Streets,Chow kit,Masjid India.
Do you know what is the common thing about this 3 streets......

Its a streets...NO!

located in KL...NO! stuff!..YES!!!!!1

Whn i went there i always accompanied by my cousins,because they lived near that place.
The first time i went to Chow Kit is when i was at the Hospital KL,at that time my whole family was look after my late nanny.
During the lunch time,my cousins and  I always walk to Chow Kit,because it;s really near to the hospital.
At Chow Kit there is lot of street shop that offer numerous stuff that sold cheaply.

That is a good thing but there is also a bad thing that happened to me when i went there.
One day as i walked around Chow Kit,suddenly my hand was pull by someone and he asked me whether i want to  have sex for only RM30.
Luckily that time my cousin push that man hand and said no to him and walked away from there.
After that incident I've become more careful when i went there.

Have u ever heard about "PASAR KARAT" or rust market.
I've went there once and that is the first ans the last time.
It's located next to Petaling street or more exact it is the back street of Petaling Street.

Its open from 6am-noon,at there people trade their 'USED' thing or cheap stuff on the floor,and i don't know why a lot of people went there.When I went there the market was full with people and they looked like they really enjoyed their 'SHOPPING' moment.
Straightly after i push myself out from that place i told myself that i will never step my feet here,ever again!

Then I tried to vanished that creepy memory from my mind,i went to a better place,that is Petaling Streets@china town.Petaling Street is known as the center of shop that offer pirated clothes and accsessories.
At chinatown there are a lot of restaurants ans food stalls that sell local dish such as ikan bakar(baked-fish),laksa.curry mee and a lot more.
But here the seller is mostly Chinese .

Lastly the Masjid India Street@little India,at here you can buy cheap stuff also.
I went here normally when its about to celebrate 'hari raya' because at Masjid India we can buy a lot of stuff for 'hari raya' preparation.From,clothes,decorations,'kuih raya' and a lot more.

People also went to Masjid India to buy stuff in a big amount because they can buy here for cheap and sell back at the night market in double price.

That is what i can write about streets in Malaysia,so if anyone want to look for stuff but have a low budget you guys can go to the place i talked about...




Street of Malaysia................

First that come to my mind of streets in Malaysia is the streets POTHOLES.
Commonly this is the figure of Malaysian roads,we can bump into this potholes everywhere in Malaysia.
Numerous of potholes in different sizes that cause problems to the road users.
There are some problems that caused by this holes such as accident and car damage.

When i lived in my village before,i know what is the 'thing' that cause this problem.
Do you noticed that there's a lot of BIG LORRY particularly at the construction side,
and they drive like crazy sometimes,the pressure from that BIG LORRY cause the potholes.Even after the road is fixed the lorry will cause the problem back.

When you are driving,you have to focus for a lot of things,sometimes its hard to see this holes,suddenly your car bump into it,can you predict what will happen after that.???
What if you are driving fast that time???
What if you lost control??
What if there is another car or people in front???
Why do the government ignoring this problems?

As a driver this thing really concern me a lot,because i faced it everyday.
hopefully that the people in charge of this particular problem will take note,because it's not just myself that faced this problem everyday,countless drivers in Malaysia faced the same thing.

This is another problem that I've faced last year.
at that time i was on my way back to my house from Alamanda,Putrajaya.
That day it's raining really heavy and suddenly i saw the road flooded with muddy water,at first i thought the water level is low but after i passed through my car floor is covered with that muddy water.

Imagine about Putrajaya,known as planned city.
The architectural buildings really amaze people,but what about the drainage system???
This road flooded problems always occur when it's raining in Putrajaya "ALWAYS",people would expecting the best from the "well-planned" city,but this problem proved otherwise.

I really hope that all this streets@roads problems will be fix by the authority before 2020.




Music is UNIVERSAL.....
EVERYONE love music....
Music can be EVERGREEN...
Music can be TREND
Music is PASSION.

I love music,i know most people now days love music.
I love ballad,pop and pop rock,but i don't know what type of music that people out there like???
there's so many genre of music such as classic,ballad,pop,rmb,rock,metal rock,k-pop and j-pop.

The best part of music is it has no barrier like language,trends and the people.
People from east can hear music from west and vice-versa.
When the music is very nice to hear people will never judge the singer's look,race.colour and sex orientation.

The first thing that come to my mind when we talk about music is singing,because i love singing.
Singing is my passion,interest and hobby.
people always asked why do i love to sing??
As for me when I'm singing i feel free,free from stress,work,problems and such things.
Singing is like a cure,when people angry or sad the best choice is singing,they can pour out all their anger,sadness and bad feelings.

I started singing when i was form 1,at that time I've joined my school 'dikir-barat' team.
At first I've joined as the backup dancer and singer but when i was form 3,my teacher asked me to audition for the lead singer selection.
At first i was hesitate,but after i got the encouragement from my friends I went to the audition and shockingly i was selected to be the lead singer.
at that time i felt damn happy but something came to my mind,"can i take this huge responsibility"
but for my passion towards music and i took this responsibility as a challenge for myself.

This is the link for my first performance with Nadia and Nadiah at taylor's music club meeting:credit to Joanna Liaw

Started from that i realise that i love to faced audiences,i love to interact with audiences in a lot of way such as singing,acting,and public speaking.
I felt something indescribable,when people look at my eyes i became more passionate and its like i don't want to stop from perform.
I also love to sing karaoke in public, its like in an open stage where people can sing any song whether they have a good voice or not

For me,my voice is not very powerful like other singers out there,but I'm glad that i can sing well.
For people out there if you have passion in anything ,especially music,singing,compose song or compose lyric just carry on,do not listen to any negative thoughts about yourself.
If people tell you that you are not good in what you love to do,just ignore them as long as you can entertain yourself.
sometimes people interpretation about what we do is different,take the positive words as the complement and take the negative words as an encouragement.

Because you will find yourself in what u love to do.
Be different,be dare,be strong and be the best in anything you do in this world.

This is the link to my uncle's video,my uncle is a singer back in 80s and 90s:source youtube

The day.................


My name is Jenny,i am 24 years old,i am the oldest of five siblings.I am a graduated  student at the private university in Subang Jaya.Now i work at one local bank here.
I had this habit of closing my eyes and counting until 10,just to make sure that i awake for today.
8,9,10, unfortunately today I'm awake.

I slowly open my eyes with both my hands tied and sitting on the cold floor,and there are at least 50 people doing the same thing,and 9 others are all wearing black masks.Its early in the morning here at subang jaya,this town actually is a massive city with a lot of private university.But now I'm just sitting here on the damn cold floor with my hands ties and a woman bleeding from her right shoulder with her baby in her hands next to me.
A couple hours ago this woman was with her baby in front of me waiting in the line.I couldn't help but my mind cannot stop thinking about Ash, my youngest brother  who died after couple months after his birth.I can feel the bond with the son of the woman who sitting next to me.

"Do you need some help with your son"I say in a very quite voice so that all the bank robbers cant her me.The women just look at me and smiles,after a while she nods,her baby is asleep and even though both of our hand is tied we manage to bring her baby into my arms.."Iema" the woman says,"Jenny" i say back."what is this little guy name?" I ask her"Max" she says with a smile.

After a few hours i heard a security officer says to Iema"ma'am are you OK?".
I look at her with her bleeding arms,and i call her name for several times but she doesn't respond."Please help us"the security officer stand up and stand in front of the door.I grab Max and sit him on my lap while I'm trying to get respond from Iema.Suddenly the door swings open hard and fast knocking the security officer to the floor,people scream at the loudest and Max cries.The robbers than then gets his weapon and start hitting the security officer in the head.People are crying.screaming and pleading with the robber to stop,at that time i just covering Max eyes and ear,i don't want this innocent baby,hear and watch all this happen.
The robber doesn't stop hitting the security officer,with each hit i can hear a thump sound.I close my eyes,tears are flowing down on my cheek,and i say in my head"1,2,3" people are still screaming
"4,5,6,7" I can still hear the thumps
"9,10" people goes silent.

I slowly open my eyes and the robber is standing beside the body of the security officer that is still alive.I can hear the breathing sound from the robber,"please,she need help...she has a baby" while tears flowing down my face and my breathing becomes uneven.
The bank robber just look into my eyes and leaves.
But then my tears stop because i know that eyes,i know that stares............
I know who is the owner of that eyes even i cant see his face....
I hope its not him............!!!

To be continue....................................

PROTECT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!



In this world pets is a part of everyday life.
I love animals like cats,dogs,birds and many more.
Most of people now days agree that when we have pets they complete our life.
But why there's still some people that abuse.torture and violating animals.
What kind of people are they???
Are they deserve to do such things???

What is rights????
Do human have higher rights compare to animal????
I hate when people always FIGHT for their own rights but they violating animal rights.
Just imagine if animals can talk like us,what will happen??
As a responsible person we should take notes of this SERIOUS case...
We cannot just ignore when other peoples infringe the animal rights,we should protect the animals from any kind of harms.
Its unfortunate if you saw or heard about any behaviour of  animal cruelty but you unaware to take any action that can help to solve the problems.

What kind of acts that can be categorized as animal abusing?
Here I list some of animal abusing acts:

  1. animal blood sport such as dog fighting.
  2. Neighbor torturing pets.
  3. pets or animal being denied food,water and shelter.
  4. Owner leave their dog in car during hot weather
  5. Pets such as dog and cat chained up outdoors.
    The list above is just the common type of ABUSING,here i list down some HARDCORE /EXTREME animal abusing:
    1. Setting an animal on fire.
    2. Kitten being beaten until death and thrown into garbage can.
    3. Slaughtering animal without anesthesia.
    So as the witness or as a RESPONSIBLE human being what should we do???

    When you saw your neighbor childrens hurting their pets,you can notify their parents or guardians immediately.
    When you saw a dog being chained outdoors,you can help them by release them or give them a better shelter because when animals is being chained it will create an extreme stress,fear and frustration.
    Often, people learn cruel and neglectful behavior from their peers,parents or neighbors, and we can break down the cycle of ignorance. In a non-confrontational way, let the person know specifically what the problems are and give them better alternatives on how to take a proper care of their pets.
    Keep all the record of whom you contact, the contact dates, and the content and outcome of each discussion. Never ever  give away a letter or document without making a copy for your file.


    Why it's important to protect animals rights????

    SHARE:Human being and animals share the same rights on this world.We cannot denied that animal is part of earth community, we don't have the rights to abuse,torture and violate them.Give them the same from what we get.

    HEART:As a human,obviously we have a heart,so be a kindhearted people.I don't understand when some people feel very satisfied when they abused animals.What do they get from that???.That type of people can be define as a heartless.

    FUTURE:Most of animals is expected close to extinction,if most of animals extinct,what can we offer/tell our next generations about it.Imagine if cats and dog is extinct,what would you tell your children when they ask about it????

    FOOD:Animal is the main food source for human.


    So,wake up people,protect the animal rights,can u predict what will happen in the future based on the picture above????
    You do the maths........